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Shen again... :-(

	Sorry to rescast the subject, but I'm trying to know something
about Shen (the Cern's approach to WWW security).
        I followed the links;


	, and all the others, but they are really incomplete.
(Phill definitely left the pages unfinished - I've tried mail him, but
there's no sine of Phill).

	How could "anyone" know about Shen if there's not real docs
available? Can anybody *really* help on this? (I'm affraid that I will not
be able to consider Shen in my Survey on WWW security, if I can find decent
info on Shen :'( ).

        Thx in advance, Best Regards, Jorge Simao.

|       /		       /    e-mail: jsimao@fct.unl.pt   |
|      /   _/_/_/    _/_/_/   /     (MIME messages accepted)    |
|     /	      _/   _/	     /   Jorge Paulo Ferreira Simao     |
|    /	     _/   _/_/_/    /    MSc Student at		        |
|   /	_/  _/        _/   /     Universidade Nova de Lisboa    |
|  /	_/_/    _/_/_/    /      F.C.T. - Dpt Informatica       |
| /______________________/       2825 Monte Caparica - PORTUGAL |
|                                                               |
| URL: http://sasc.di.fct.unl.pt/people/jsimao                  |
|      (look there for my PGP public key, or use,               |
|       finger jsimao@stimpy.di.fct.unl.pt)                     |